
Lorenz [genus: musician] m., type of singer/guitarist located in Tyrol, Austria. Has a tendency to compose and perform his own songs. Versed in a multitude of instruments and music genres. Regularly tends to publish moving pictures with sound underlay on "youtube".

Excerpt from the Oxford Dictionary of Musical Phenotypes (1863)        

Lorenz [Gattung: Musiker] m., in Tirol, Österreich vorkommender Sänger- und Gitarristentypus. Hang zum Komponieren und Performen eigener Songs. Versiert in einer Vielzahl von Instrumenten und Musikgattungen. Neigt regelmäßig zur Veröffentlichung tonuntermalter Bewegtbilder auf "youtube".



Just a new song

A Dream Is A Dream Is A Dream


In this video Lorenz dreams about a different world, a better world, a world he wants to live in.

Peaches en Regalia
(Frank Zappa)

50th anniversary of
Frank Zappa's album "Hot Rats"
A tribute by Lorenz

Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke/


At the age of 12 Lorenz performed the Freddie Mercury composition "The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke". An epic Queen-Song with a multitude of voices and guitars.

youtube channel

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